Antisocial Personality Disorder
Displaying a consistent pattern of disregarding or violating the rights of others. Individuals with this disorder may defy social norms, engage in repetitive deceitful behavior, or act impulsively.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Characterized by extreme shyness, feelings of inadequacy, and heightened sensitivity to criticism. Individuals with avoidant personality disorder may avoid social interaction unless assured of being liked. They may harbor a fear of criticism, rejection, or see themselves as socially inept.
Borderline Disorder
Marked by instability in personal relationships, intense emotions, poor self-image, and impulsivity, individuals with BPD may go to great lengths to avoid abandonment, engage in repeated suicide attempts, exhibit inappropriate intense anger, or experience ongoing feelings of emptiness.
Dependent Personality Disorders
Demonstrating a need to be taken care of and exhibiting submissive and clingy behavior, individuals with dependent personality disorders may struggle to make daily decisions without reassurance from others. They may feel uneasy or helpless when alone due to a fear of being unable to care for themselves.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Characterized by excessive emotion and attention-seeking behavior, individuals with histrionic disorder may feel discomfort when not the center of attention, use physical appearance to draw attention, or display rapidly shifting or exaggerated emotions.

Narcissistic Disorder
Featuring a need for admiration and a lack of empathy, individuals with narcissistic disorder may possess a grandiose sense of self-importance, entitlement, exploit others, or lack empathy.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Displaying an obsession with orderliness, perfection, and control, individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder may focus excessively on details or schedules, overwork without allowing time for leisure or socializing, and exhibit inflexibility in their morality and values (distinct from obsessive-compulsive disorder).
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Demonstrating a pattern of suspicion towards others, viewing them as mean or spiteful, individuals with paranoid disorder often assume harm or deceit and avoid confiding or forming close relationships.
Schizoid Disorder
Reflecting a detachment from social relationships and limited emotional expression, individuals with schizoid disorder typically avoid seeking close relationships, prefer solitude, and display indifference to praise or criticism from others.
Schizotypal Disorder
Exhibiting discomfort in close relationships, distorted thinking, and eccentric behavior, individuals with schizotypal disorder may hold odd beliefs, engage in peculiar behavior or speech, or experience excessive social anxiety.